Top 10 Most Endangered Animals In The World

There are more than 20 millions animals species on our planet and out of them, 40 thousand animal species are endangered. Some of the rare animals have already been extinct while the others are very few in number. The endangered animals have reached the stage where they are on the verge of extinction and that is all because of the human greed. Humans take down their natural homes because of their needs of natural resources and living spaces. That is the reason why the number of endangered animals is going high with each passing day.

Although there are many endangered species as per the research data, but we are listing down the top 10 most endangered animals in the world. You may not have even heard about some of these rare animals because their population is only a few hundred. Let’s check out these top 10 most endangered species.

10. Iberian Lynx


Iberian Lynx is a wild cat species usually found in the southwestern Europe. This Lynx species is already listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List as there are not more than 300 individuals left in the world. Various measures have been taken to protect the species like they are no longer legally hunted. Iberian Lynx species are one of the most famous endangered animals in the world.

9. Orangutan


Orangutans are identified as one of the Asian species of great apes. They are mostly found in Indonesia and Malaysia. Orangutans are among the most intelligent species in the world but unfortunately, they are listed as the critically endangered animals in the world. Over the past few years, the natural orangutan habitat has decreased rapidly due to logging and forest fires.

8. Leatherback Sea Turtle


Leatherback Sea Turtles are the largest living turtles in the world. An average adult leatherback can weigh in between 250 to 900 Kgs. They are listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Vulnerable. While other lists have already named them as one of the critically endangered animals in the world.

7. Chinese Giant Salamander


Chinese Giant Salamanders are the largest amphibian in the world. They are native to the rocky mountain streams in China. Since 1950, their population has drastically declined by more that 80% and they have been listed as critically endangered animals species. The biggest threat to the Chinese giant salamander is the human consumption as they are considered as a luxury food item in China.

6. Cross River Gorilla


Cross River Gorillas is a subspecies of gorilla and are native to forests and mountains of Nigeria. The Cross River gorilla species has been identified as a critically endangered sub-species. As of now, there are less than 250 cross river gorilla individuals left in the world. Over the past two decades, their population has rapidly declined by more than 60%.

5. Siamese Crocodile


Siamese Crocodile is a fresh-water crocodile found mainly in Asia. They are native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The species has been declared extinct in the world and they are classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. Their global population(including sanctuaries) is not more than hundred. Siamese crocodile is one of the most endangered animals species in the world.

4. Javan Rhinoceros


Javan Rhinoceros is a rare member of the Rhinocerotidae family. They are native to the Southeast Asia and are found mainly in Java, Sumatra, India and China. There are only 50-60 individuals left in the world and the species has been declared as critically endangered. They are considered one of the most endangered animals species in the world.

3. Vaquita


Vaquita is a rare species of porpoise native to the Gulf of California. There are below 100 Vaquita individuals left in the world and they are identified as the most endangered cetacean in the world. The species has been classified as one of the top 100 evolutionary distinct and globally endangered (EDGE) mammals in the world.

2. Amur Leopard


Amur Leopard is a subspecies of leopard native to the southeastern Russia and northeast China. The species has been listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. As of 2017, reports suggest that they are less than 60 individuals left in the world. Their declining population is due to the illegal leopard skin trade in the countries like China and Russia.

1. Baiji


Baiji is officially an extinct species of freshwater dolphins native to the Yangtze river in China. Unfortunately, there are no Baiji individuals left in the world. Before Vaquita, they were titled the most endangered cetacean in the world. Although there have been reports where people have sighted one or two baiji individuals but that’s not officially proved. They are the most endangered animals species in the world.

Related: Top 10 Most Beautiful Animals In The World – Wild & Domestic Animals.

These top 10 most endangered animals are a worrying cause for nature as well as the humans. Do share this post with your friends to create awareness among them.


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