Marketing for Doctors: 7 Medical Marketing Strategies You Need in 2020

Marketing has a significant impact on the healthcare industry. As the industry evolves, its marketing strategies evolve too. Having an innovative medical marketing strategy can be a very unnerving task, but with the right tips, marketing for doctors is very fruitful.

There are several strategies that are suitable for the healthcare industry. These tips focus on finding the right patients, attracting, and also maintaining them in today’s digital world. With them, doctors can effectively market and grow their practices.

Here are some of the best marketing strategies and trends for 2020.

1. Generating Leads With Google and Social Media Ads

Digital advertising is very competitive but very important when it comes to generating leads. Some of the platforms that you can use for digital advertising are Facebook Ads and Google Ads. These platforms have their advantages, especially when it comes to targeting the right patients using target keywords.

To get the best out of these ads, you can use Pay per Content (PPC) agencies to help you customize your adverts and reach your target audience. PPC for medical practices will provide you with tracking and analytics reports to help you know how successful your marketing efforts are.

With PPC, you will also be able to monitor the ROI and adjust your ads based on the generated data.

2. Video Marketing

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Doctors can no longer afford to ignore videos in their marketing strategies. Visual content has a huge impact and will help improve your site’s ranking.

You and other physicians or staff in your practice can create informative and engaging videos by your physicians, post them on YouTube, and link them back to your website. Some videos you can include are:

  • Patient testimonials
  • Procedure and treatment overview videos
  • Website welcome videos
  • Frequently asked questions video

Having a video marketing strategy will help you promote your practice and engage with your current and potential patients.

3. Professionally Designed Website

At least 75% of website visitors judge the website’s credibility and the company based on the website design and responsiveness. To add to this, your web visitors will form an opinion about your practice in the first 0.05 seconds that they are there.

This means having a professionally designed website will help market your practice. Your site should be:

  • Easy to navigate
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Well designed
  • Secure
  • Optimized for SEO
  • Load fast

Customize your website and make sure that your patients have a great experience when they visit it. With a professionally designed website, you will not only attract your target audience but also keep them in your site longer, and this will also help boost your rankings.

4. Patient Reviews

Patients’ reviews play a significant role in marketing for doctors. Potential patients search for reviews about the medical practice before they can make an appointment. Positive reviews will help build trust and confidence with your target patients.

Encourage your patients to share their experiences and genuine reviews about you and your practice on review sites and your social media pages. Do not forget to respond to these reviews, whether they are positive or negative.

Such reviews are a good way of converting potential patients into regular ones, and they are also a huge and true reflection of your practice reputation. Patients are most likely to choose a doctor or practice with a high number of positive reviews.

5. Email Marketing

Email is a huge part of marketing that, when utilized, can reach new patients and also help maintain the existing ones. Share blog posts, promotions, specials, and the latest news from your practice through emails.

You can do this by encouraging your website visitors to sign up for a newsletter. Once they sign up, they automatically join your mailing list, and you can keep your practice in front of their minds using your newsletters. Ensure that your emails are consistent.

To leverage email medical marketing strategy, you can also create a sequence for your lead generation campaigns using technology. Patients also wish that their doctors would communicate with them more often using emails, and this makes email marketing one of the best ways of generating leads and growing your practice.

6. Local SEO

Your medical marketing efforts should also go local. Invest a lot of time and energy ranking your website within a 15 to a 20-mile radius around your practice location. Local SEO will ensure that residents and visitors can find you whenever they are looking for a service that you offer.

If your practice is located in different locations, ensure that you have a page for each location and develop optimized landing pages for each to reach the right audience. The pages should have:

  • NAP – name, address, phone number, hours of that specific location
  • Google My Business map
  • The city name in the title tag and on the page several times
  • A brief write up about that location.

These local SEO tips will help you rank high in local searches and be able also to attract walk-in patients who need some medical attention in your service areas. Ensure that your practice has the correct contact information.

7. Social Media Marketing

41% of patients use the content they find on social media platforms to help them decide which practice to visit. With an active social media page and great content, you can reach a huge number of potential customers.

Medical practice advertising using social media will help drive traffic to your website and increase your search engine ranking. Use available analytics tools that these platforms provide to track your marketing efforts so that you can modify your campaign as necessary.

Some social media analytics can tell you the exact times of the day that your followers are most active so that you can concentrate your efforts at that time. Do not forget to optimize any content that you post and keep your audience engaged with regular posts.

However, not all social media platforms are ideal for medical marketing. Get one that can help you reach out to your specific audience.

Use These Strategies for a Successful Marketing for Doctors Campaign

These strategies, when implemented, have a huge impact on any marketing initiative. Formulate a plan and implement these marketing tips for doctors in order to have a successful digital marketing campaign for your practice!

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